Snoring can be annoying then stop snoring is important for the person concerned and for the people around him . Snoring is a problem especially annoying for the people who surround us and it may be a common situation you should not neglect the problem but interested to try to remedy it.
Snoring is a fairly common problem , in fact it is believed that one in four people suffer from this sleep disorder , while one in two people have , on occasion, the problem of snoring , the snoring problem seems to be in the others, who are disturbed by the noise emitted by the person who snores , however this may be due to other noise , so it can be important to identify the cause of snoring . Very often , the problem of snoring depends on bad habits such as posture assumes that while you are sleeping or consumption of beverages containing alcohol, as a result, if you can not find the cause, you can solve this annoying problem.
Snoring and tips to avoid snoring at night
Snoring at night
Snoring at night? Snoring is also known as snoring , or a loud noise and irritating that occurs during sleep , snoring is caused by the vibration of the organs and structures located in the back of the nose and mouth ( soft palate , the uvula , the back wall of the throat , tonsils , tongue and dl'epiglottide ) which , rubbing against one another, impeding the normal air flow during breathing.
How ever happen to snore
In sleep the body relaxes, the muscles of the mouth and pharynx. It may happen then , especially if you are sleeping on their backs , that the tongue sink in the pharynx so much as to leave a small space for the passage of air . In this case the respiration performed with the nose is no longer sufficient for adequate oxygenation and it becomes necessary to open the mouth. The noisy breathing , wheezing and murmurs are caused from the air that passes , moving the uvula .
Those who tend to snore
Snoring is a fairly common sleep disorder that can affect people of all ages , however this problem occurs mainly in men, in people who are overweight and the elderly , as this sleep disorder tends to worsen with age . The problem of snoring concerns , occasionally , 25% of the people , and one in four people , while it is a real sleep disorder for about 55% of the people , that is to say that more than one person in harsh Russian regularly. The people who , occasionally , have the problem of snoring , in most cases , they are unaware and are informed of this condition by other persons ; persons who, on the contrary, suffer from the disorder of snoring , need , generally , to undertake a proper treatment, as , because of this problem , they could not sleep well. Sometimes , you can not figure out why you snore : the noise of snoring depends essentially on an obstruction of the flow of air through the mouth and through the nose , the walls of the gorge , due to this obstruction , vibrate during breathing , causing the characteristic sound that is associated with the problem of snoring.
The obstruction of the air flow which can lead to snoring is determined by several factors , including:
an obstruction of the nasal airways , as , due to the obstruction , you must make a greater effort to transfer air through these ducts, as a result the walls of the throat vibrate , emitting the typical sound of snoring
allergies and sinusitis , because both of these conditions impede the flow of air through the respiratory tract , consequently, if the air flow is compromised, it tends to snore
deformities in the structure of the nose , such as a deviated septum , since, due to this deformity , it creates a physical obstacle to the passage of air through the respiratory tract
the low muscle tone of the throat and tongue , since the muscles can relax, going to obstruct the airway ; muscle relaxation can be induced by taking certain drugs or by alcohol consumption , although a decrease in muscle tone is closely related to age
Causes of snoring
The causes of the disturbance snoring can be these or other , consequently, in some cases , it is possible to combat this disorder , eliminating an incorrect habit , while , in other cases , the problem of snoring depends on a problem at the base , then it is necessary treatment initiated to solve this problem .
The problem of snoring can be more or less light , however, in some cases , one must not underestimate this sleep disorder , as it is associated with other health problems ; disorders that, in general , are associated with the problem of snoring are :
the interruption of breathing for a few seconds , due to obstruction of the airway
the constant awakenings during the night and other sleep disorders
the tension of the muscles of the throat , essential to maintain a sufficient air flow to breathing
the reduction of oxygen levels in the blood and the consequent rise in blood pressure
sleepiness during the day , caused by sleep disorders that affect the quality and quantity of sleep
Snoring is a common concern
Snoring is a problem that affects a large proportion of the adult population but fortunately in most of these snoring is only an occasional thing . But snoring is not just a nuisance for the people who are around but can turn into a disease also known as sleep apnea . One of the leading causes of snoring is then followed by a cold sinusitis , and various allergies that lead the person to breathe through the mouth , thus increasing the noise .
Snoring what to do?
It is good to try to fall asleep lying on your belly or on your side and keep your head elevated with respect to the body, thus favoring the flow of air during breathing avoiding sleeping . Instead of avoiding sleeping on your back so obviating the relaxation of the soft palate and uvula vibrate that the passage of air from the beginning of the classical noise snoring. Even the application of appropriate patches before bedtime can be useful as a preparation derived from the use of herbal medicine made from essential oils ( such as mint , lemon , cloves , pine, fennel , thyme , lemongrass , eucalyptus, lavender) in the form of nasal sprays . To reduce the problem of snoring can help applications of natural medicine accompanied by a healthy lifestyle . Who snores should try to : do not drink alcohol in the evening , avoid smoking right before bedtime, dinner with light food and it is better to try to sleep lying on one side. The main cause of snoring is being overweight . The more you are overweight, the higher the chance of snoring. Here is a very simple method to prevent the muscles of the tongue and throat and to reduce the passage of air : to put under your pillow by night another pillow , preferably not too soft. Snoring can be normal or only occur at certain times of the year. In these cases it may be due to an allergy , which causes the swelling of the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa . It should then undergo tests to identify the allergen .How to nit snore the night?
It is not always possible not to snoring with simple remedies , especially if this sleep disorder depends on an airway obstruction that must be treated in any other way , but despite this , quite often , the problem of snoring depends on bad habits that can be eliminated , therefore you can take simple remedies to solve this problem . If the problem of snoring is incidental, may be due to excessive body weight , from eating habits , by taking certain drugs, by alcohol consumption , poor sleep quality, a posture that is assumed during sleep and other conditions , correct these bad habits , in general, allows to solve the problem of snoring.
The following tips to avoid snoring at night consist of natural solutions and changes in their lifestyle that, in general , help snoring at night
Sleeping on your side : the position in which you sleep is very important and sleeping on your side can help you stop snoring , as the habit of sleeping on your back involves a provision of the palate and the walls of the throat that can cause a vibration of the walls themselves and the consequent noise associated to the problem of snoring.
Maintaining an ideal body weight : can help to solve the problem of snoring, as it is believed that overweight people tend to suffer more from this disorder.
Avoid consumption of alcohol : Alcohol intake , as the intake of certain medications , may cause a relaxation of the muscles of the back wall of the throat , increasing , therefore , the likelihood of snoring , to be able to stop snoring , then , you should avoid the consumption of alcohol, especially in the hours before bedtime .
Ensure a good quality of sleep : Lack of sleep can produce effects similar to the effects that are induced by alcohol consumption , therefore we must ensure a good quality of sleep , and avoid spending long hours without enough sleep.
Clearing the airways : Very often , the problem of snoring depends on a blockage of the nasal passages , due, for example , to sinusitis or cold ; in these cases , leave the obstructed airway allows to solve the problem of snoring.
Change the sheets and pillowcases : The allergens or substances that cause allergies, can cause the problem of snoring , so change the sheets and pillowcases can prevent the accumulation of dust mites that can trigger allergic reactions and we must , in conclusion , away from your bedroom anything that could cause allergic reactions or otherwise impair breathing.
Maintain proper body hydration : Hydration is essential, since the problem of snoring may depend, in some cases , just from dehydration ; women should drink about twelve glasses of water every day , while men should drink more or less than sixteen .
A simple advice for not snoring
Prepare a mixture with 25 ml each of essential oils of eucalyptus, pine , juniper and peppermint.
Pour a few drops on a damp cloth that you put on the radiator in the bedroom.
Alternatively, pour a few drops of the mixture in the diffuser for flavorings before bedtime.
Thanks to substances , essences free the airways and facilitate breathing.
Dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt in a glass of water. Place the solution in a blower to the nose and moisten the nasal mucosa several times a day , especially at night . Alternatively, you can perform nasal irrigation , saline water plays a disinfectant and decongestant effect on the mucous membranes .
The acupuncture performed by an acupuncturist or naturopathic expert is effective in a short time to improve nasal breathing .
Snoring at night
The problem of snoring is considered a real sleep disorder , because, very often , this problem affects the quality of sleep, however, snoring can also be an occasional problem and not a real disorder .
The causes of snoring problem may be different, although most of these are traced to an obstruction of the airways that obstructs the normal flow of air , if the problem of snoring is occasional , you can take some remedies to help stop snoring : some habits that may be taken are to sleep on your side and , in the case of nasal obstruction, to take a hot shower before going to bed, at the same time , you must avoid all the bad habits that can cause problem of snoring, such as, for example, the consumption of alcohol .
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