Stop snoring. For all of us it can happen to snore occasionally , but if the phenomenon occurs frequently , it can affect the quality of sleep and its duration , as well as annoy your family or roommates .
Snoring can lead to an insufficient duration of sleep and to feel because of what an obvious feeling of fatigue during the day. Identify the cause of the fenimeno is the first step to remedy the situation .
What are the causes ?
About the snoring , the causes can be many and vary from one person to another . The phenomenon can be attributed to the presence of organic tissue within the nasal cavity or throat more prone to vibrate as flexible or softer than normal. Also takes the position that the language during the rest can be a factor to be reckoned with .The noise is generated at the moment , while you are sleeping , the air is prevented from being able to flow freely from the nose and mouth. A partial obstruction in the nose may be caused by a deviation of the nasal septum . Obstacles present inside the nose or mouth bring air passage channels to shrink and this is due to the noise which is felt from the outside. Among the most common factors that may affect the passage of air from the mouth and nasal cavity during sleep there are :
1 ) Age '
With advancing age the tissues inside the nasal cavity and throat relax, with particular reference to the muscles. This does not allow the breath to flow freely and causes noise.
2 ) Constitution
Narrow throat , enlarged adenoids and cleft palate ( a malformation of the palate , which is presented as a more or less extensive cleavage of the front of the hard palate ) can be considered among the causes of snoring determined by individual physique . Negliuomini , moreover, the air passage channels are usually more narrow . Even overweight and poor muscle tone are considered factors should not be underestimated .
3) Problems nasal
From the common cold , sinusitis , a nasal septal deviation , problems in the nostrils and partial obstructions of the airways to various competing among the factors that may contribute to the occurrence of the phenomenon of snoring.
4) Position
The position that is assumed during sleep is important. Snorers should not sleep on your back, since such a posture brings the internal tissues of the throat to relax them and to block part of the respiratory tract. From this arises the noise.
5 ) Smoking, alcohol and drugs
Smoking, drinking alcohol and certain types of medicines can help to accentuate the phenomenon , as these substances can contribute to a maggiorerilassamento muscles , with the consequences described above.
What are the remedies ?
1 ) Sleeping on your side
If we become aware of how the phenomenon of snoring heightens when you are sleeping on your back, the easiest solution is to change position , turning on his side , so as to leave more freedom to the throat.
2) Change pillow
Use two pillows or a pillow higher than usual can help keep your airways open and free , holding the neck and the throat. The pillows must be chosen and positioned in such a way that the back showing lies in a position not painful or uncomfortable ,
3 ) Suffumigations
If the cause of your snoring is generated by a nasal congestion due to colds or allergies , a possible solution consists in performing the fumigations with baking soda and water or essential oils before going to sleep , so as to clear the airways .
4) Relaxation Techniques
Anxiety, stress and agitation may disrupt sleep and accentuate the undesirable phenomenon . In this regard, it is possible to use some relaxation techniques to put in essereprima going to sleep , so as to encourage restful sleep and rest undisturbed . These relaxation techniques can be deepened by reading the " Practical Handbook to Stop Snoring " by Roberto Fabbroni , which explains simple exercises that concentrate before bedtime.
5 ) Jala Neti
Verify that the nasal cavity is clear before going to sleep is essential to avoid snoring , especially if you are aware of being subject to this phenomenon. Blowing the nose may simply not be enough. And therefore possible to resort to a method for the cleaning of the nasal cavity that involves the use of salt water and a small instrument similar to a teapot , called Jala Neti .
jala neti
6) Nasal Strips
If the problem does not affect the internal tissues of the throat , but an insufficient opening of the nasal Caita , the appropriate Nasal Strips may be useful to improve the situation . Their effectiveness can vary from person to person, depending on the extent and the real causes of the problem .
7) Avoid alcohol
The consumption of alcohol can affect sleep , making it irregular and ineffective . It can also cause a greater relaxation of the internal tissues of the throat and the nose , causing air unmaggiore rubbing against their walls and therefore noise.
8) Quit Smoking
Smoking may interfere with the correct functioning of our respiratory system, promote laproduzione mucus and the formation of obstructions at the level of the nasal cavity . It may also be due to the appearance of coughing at night, which could contribute to an even more disturbed sleep and difficult.
9 ) Hot shower
Taking a hot shower before going to sleep , in the opinion of experts, can help clear your nasal cavities , particularly due to the water vapor that is breathed in and that will help to dilate the same. During the shower , you can also perform a cleaning of the nostrils with warm water or a rinse with lightly salted water .
10) Hydration
The dehydration can be the cause of the phenomena of dryness affecting the internal membranes of the throat or nose . For this reason it is recommended to drink plain water natural enough during the day, so that dehydration does not contribute to aggravate the problem of snoring.
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