Wednesday, December 25, 2013

How to stop snoring by ASAP and What is it?

When the tissues of the palate and throat vibrate during sleep, it causes the air molecules to form sound waves, giving rise to snoring. Around 20-30% of the people are habitual snorers. Snoring increases with age and obesity. Snoring contribute to many health ailments such as high BP, stroke, atherosclerosis etc and also affects interpersonal relationship.Snoring mostly occurs during the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep. This is because the brain sends signals to all the muscles of the body except the breathing muscles, but during REM,...

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Stop snoring by snoreless pillow

Many of us suffer from the problem of snoring. It not only affect the person who snores (in that, over time, it might result in one suffering from Obstructive Sleep Apnea, which can be life threatening), but also their partners in bed as well (in that they find it hard to get to sleep due to the disturbances caused by the snoring sound). With the SnoreLess Pillow, what it does is that, it will allow for one to maintain a correct, as well as an...

Stop snoring by zquite

Snoring is a problem that I have had to deal with since childhood. Being an overweight teen, doctors urged me to lose some weight as it is linked to sleep problems among other things. I lost all the extra flab by rigorous diet and exercise. Unfortunately, that did not help my snoring. I have learned to cope and sleep on my side just to keep my airway free from blockage. The problem seemed to get worse as I aged and sometimes I would wake up to the...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Snoring with your health

Occasional episodes of snoring does not have a negative influence on health. The ' increase in the frequency and severity of snoring instead may negatively affect your health in a direct manner and can increase the risk of serious conditions such as heart attack or stroke. Snoring means bad breathe during the night. The resulting oxygenation of the blood becomes more difficult and the heart and lungs are urged to see a greater effort . If the relaxation of the structures of the upper airways were to relax to the point of colassare giving rise...

Stop snoring with laser surgical therapy

The snoring originates from the vibration of the mucosa of the upper airways and the resulting sound. This is caused by partially blocked airflow during sleep . Sometimes there may be a noise just mentioned but in other cases it may reach levels of volume - and therefore noise - very high. Snoring - as difficulty in breathing - does not allow the patient to rest biologically well and disturbs the sleep of those who are near . The phenomenon is...

5 Snoring causes and 10 snoring remedies

Stop snoring. For all of us it can happen to snore occasionally , but if the phenomenon occurs frequently , it can affect the quality of sleep and its duration , as well as annoy your family or roommates . Snoring can lead to an insufficient duration of sleep and to feel because of what an obvious feeling of fatigue during the day. Identify the cause of the fenimeno is the first step to remedy the situation . What are the causes ? About the snoring...